Breach of Cemetery Regulations

Friskney Parish Council operate regulations for the proper management and control of the Cemetery, whilst also promoting harmony and beauty.

Any breach of the following rules will be dealt with as per the regulations.

1. No plants, flowers, shrubs or other vegetation shall be planted on a grave which will interfere with the grass cutting and maintenance.

2. Plant pots, baskets & ornaments can only be placed for a short period when there is an Anniversary.

3. Christmas wreaths/sprays must be removed by the end of February.

4. Lighting and glass object of any description are not allowed.

5. Garden of Rest - No fencing around the tablet or planting of flowers are allowed.  One ornament can be placed on the tablet but not on the surrounding gravel.

6.The Parish Council reserve the right to remove any items they deem unsuitable for the Cemetery without notice.

Any items removed, other than vegetation, will be left for collection by the Chapel for a period of one week before being held by the Parish Clerk for a further four weeks.  After this time, all items will be responsibly disposed of.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact the Parish Clerk (07833 217430 /

Thank you.

Friskney Parish Council

Adopted 18th January 2023