
Dear Councillor


You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Friskney Parish Council, which will be held on
Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The business to be dealt with is listed in the Agenda below.

Mrs W Trigg – Clerk to the Parish Council

Date: 11th October 2024



  1. Apologies for Absence – To receive and accept apologies for absence
  2. Public Forum
  3. Receive Declarations of Interest
  4. P3 Footpaths – To receive a report from the Footpath Co-Ordinator
  5. District Councillor’s Report – To receive a report from the District Councillor
  6. County Councillor’s Report – To receive a report from the County Councillor
  7. Chair’s Remarks
  8. Previous Minutes - To resolve to accept the minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting as a true and accurate record
  9. Action Log – To receive an update from the Clerk on outstanding actions (Appendix 1)
  10. Planning – To receive an update on new and existing applications (Appendix 2)
  11. Finance - To resolve to pay the payments listed (Appendix 3)
  12. Village Hall – To receive a written report from the Village Hall Committee and discuss any issues
  13. Play Area – To discuss inspections, defects, vandalism and maintenance
  14. Cemetery/Churchyard – To discuss all matters relating to the Cemetery/Churchyard
  15. Allotments - To discuss all matters relating to the allotments
  16. Correspondence - To receive correspondence which the Council are invited to respond on (Appendix 4A) and to receive correspondence for Information (Appendix 4B)
  17. Highways – Issues, repairs & defects (Appendix 5)
  18. Council Document Review – To resolve to approve updated documents (Appendix 6)
  19. Urgent Matters – For discussion only.
  20. Next Meeting – The next Parish Council Meeting is on Wednesday 20th November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Items for the next agenda to be forwarded to the Clerk on or before the 13th November 2024