The main responsibilities of the Parish Council are:-
- to ensure the village is aware of what Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey District Council
are undertaking and any impact there may be to the village;
- to listen to ideas and suggestions from Parishioners, in particular they would like the younger
members of the village to have more interaction on decision making;
- the maintenance of the children’s play area, skate park, playing field, village hall car park, cemetery
and churchyard. Contractors are appointed to inspect and report on the public footpaths, maintain
our churchyard and cemetery and carry out pest control. We also employ a Litter Warden who
works a specified route within the centre of the village;
- managing several allotments on Fodderdyke Bank and Fen Road which are let by the Parish Council
to village residents;
- working closely with Lincolnshire County Council to keep public footpaths maintained;
- reporting and ensuring that repairs to street lights, street name plates, road signs, potholes and our
highways are carried out along with reporting fly tipping and other anti-social activity.