

60.    PRESENT
Councillors:         M Hill (Chairperson)
                            S Brennan
                            P Holland
                            D Patrick
                            D Reeves
                            R Scott
                            A Simpson
                            W Twigg
                            K Wickham
                            R Wood                           

In Attendance:     W Trigg – Clerk
                            M Weedon – P3 Co-Ordinator
                            Dist Cllr C Dickinson (Part)
                            Cnty Cllr W Bowkett (Part)

Cllr S Holt, Cllr K Smith & PCSO Richardson.

None present.

Cllr Twigg in respect of the payment to Terry Twigg and Cllr Scott in respect of the PSPO application.

Mill Lane/Eaudykes (P322 Northern) – Part of the path is overgrown by the metal gate.
Eaudykes/Lenton’s Lane (P322 Southern) – Small tractor ruts at Lentons Lane end.
Sea Lane/A52 (P335) – First part is good but overgrown with nettles where the guidepost is.
Sickling Lane/3 Way Post (P336) – Unable to find route to Wainfleet after following the signpost.
Chapel Lane/Eaudykes (P337) – The hedges need cutting back.
Field Lane/School (P338) – Cllr Bowkett says works are scheduled for late September/early October 2021.
Beacon/Church (P339) – Nothing new to report.

65.    PCSO
The community engagement event held on 11th September in the Village Hall car park was not well attended, however there was some positive engagement with some of the local youths.  Dist Cllr Dickinson joined the event and some speed checks were carried out along Church Road.

The alliance with Boston Borough Council has been extended with the addition of South Holland DC, the new partnership will now be known as the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.  Each council will be politically independent and accountable to the communities they serve, however they will share a management team.  This is the largest partnership of councils in the country.

The Councillor’s Community Grant funding for Friskney has now been fully allocated having awarded £500 to the Wildlife Park towards a defibrillator cabinet.

(Dist Cllr Dickinson left the meeting)

Cllr Hill informed the meeting of the sad news that Noreen Evison (a previous Parish Clerk) had passed away.  Sincere condolences have been passed on to the immediate family.

All Saints Church are proposing to become a Community Church.

Vandalism has been reported in the play area and on the sports field.  This has been reported to the Police who have accessed the CCTV footage and are dealing with the matter.  Cllr Twigg advised that her husband had already undertaken repairs of the dug outs following the vandalism.

Cllr Hill has spoken with a member of the public following a dog fouling incident in the play area who was warned that a fine can and will be levied should they be caught again.

The minutes from the July Parish Council Meeting and Finance Committee Meeting were presented for approval.  The Parish Council minutes were proposed by Cllr Twigg and seconded by Cllr Wood.  The Play Area and Ponds Committee minutes were challenged by Cllr Wickham who was asked to email the Clerk with her amendments in respect of the PSPO application.

The Clerk gave an update on the new, current and completed actions which are minuted below or within their respective topics.

An amendment to the Standing Orders was requested by the Clerk to allow documents to be emailed prior to a meeting and for meeting documents to be published on the Parish Council website.  This amendment was proposed by Cllr Twigg and seconded by Cllr Reeves.

A replacement printer for the Clerk is pending as suitable printers are currently out of stock.

Cllr Holland confirmed that streetlight No 7 on Church Road has now been fixed.

70.    PLANNING (Appendix 2)
Pear Tree Cottage, Main Road – New application received for extensions & alterations to existing dwelling.

Peters Eden Farm – Application pending but it was noted that this should be a retrospective application.  Concerns were raised in respect of blocked drains and it was noted that a complaint had been received from Manor Farm.

South Cottage, Fold Hill – Application withdrawn.

10 Wildmore Crescent – Application granted.

Methodist Chapel – This matter is with Planning Enforcement and further communication is required.  Cllr Bowkett requested copies of the latest communications from ELDC.  A vote was taken as to whether this issue should be pursued, the vote in favour was unanimous.

Hoyles Mill – This matter is with Planning Enforcement.

Ash Tree Farm – This matter is with Planning Enforcement.

71.    FINANCE (Appendix 3)
All September payments were approved for payment having been proposed by Cllr Patrick and seconded by Cllr Reeves.  The list of payments will be amended to show the reduced price for the annual Play Area inspection and will be signed at the next meeting.

An S137 grant application has been received in respect of the Parish Magazine.  However, as the application was in the name of All Saints Church (who have already received a grant this year for CCTV) and with no dedicated bank account, the application was rejected.  Action – Clerk to advise the applicant.

(Cnty Cllr Bowkett joined the meeting)

From 1st September you no longer need to book a slot at LCC recycling centres, however certain vehicles will still need to register for a permit.

Lincolnshire Trading Standards is encouraging businesses to prepare for upcoming allergen labelling changes as part of Natasha’s Law which comes into force on 1st October 2021.  The changes will mean that and food business selling prepacked foods for direct sale will have to include full ingredients on the product label with allergenic ingredients emphasised within that list.  Prepacked foods include salads and sandwiches that customers select themselves, pre-wrapped foods kept behind a count plus products packaged and sold at mobile/temporary outlets.  Please visit ppdsbusiness.fsaevents.co.uk/home#register to register for the prepacked foods webinar.

The Lincolnshire Archives re-opened to the public on 4th September and are open on the first Saturday of each month 10am-4pm.  With access to pre-ordered original documents and other resources available within the search room, all visitors must book at least a week in advance via email to archive.bookings@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

A new project is working to ensure that autistic people in the county get the support they need to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives.  The Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board is asking autistic people, their families and carers for their views on how to ensure the county is a place that respects all autistic people and offers them the right support at the right time.  The feedback will be used to shape Lincolnshire's new five-year All Age Autism Strategy and action plan, ensuring it addresses the concerns that are most important to autistic people and their families.

If you work with community groups or know people from the Greater Lincolnshire area who would like to share their views, tell us what they value most and help LCC shape their services, you are invited to be part of the County Views panel.  LCC want to expand the size and demographic of the panel so please visit their website for more details including how to sign up.

Foster carers are needed from all backgrounds.  What's important is that you can offer a child or sibling group a loving and stable family home.  For more details please contact Philippa Gagliano, Fostering and Adoption, 01522 553833.

With many of us now taking part in online meetings as well as carrying out our usual work on computers, it's more important than ever that we take care of our eyes.  Here are some useful tips:

  • Plan your workday to include different tasks so you can take regular breaks to reduce screen time.
  • Frequent short breaks from the screen are better than infrequent longer breaks – e.g. 5-10 minutes per hour.  You don't even need to leave your desk to give your eyes a break from the screen, just look away from the screen at regular intervals, e.g. out of the window or into the distance.
  • Ensure that your screen is well-positioned and properly adjusted.
  • Ensure that lighting conditions are suitable to reduce glare and reflection.
  • If you wear bifocals, you may need to switch to a specific type of glasses for Display Screen Equipment work only - if in doubt, consult your optician or GP.
  • Contact lens wearers may find the drier air produced by computers and other equipment is uncomfortable on their eyes.  Try blinking more frequently or using tear substitute drops to increase moisture to the eye.

    Thinking about going drink-free?  Cutting back on the booze can be an effective way to improve your health, boost your energy, lose weight and save money.  Any reduction in your weekly alcohol intake will be beneficial and One You Lincolnshire is there to support you - www.oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk/lincolnshire-residents.  You could take on One Year No Beer’s 28-day challenge to stay dry and experience all the benefits that come with going booze free for a month.  One You Lincolnshire also has an app to enable you to track your alcohol consumption against recommended intake and make changes to your drinking habits.  With helpful tips along the way as to how you can bring your drinking down to a safer level, the app is a great option for those looking to make long term sustainable changes.  If you're interested in either of these initiatives, please sign up.

    The Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group AGM is being held on 22nd September from 5.00pm to 7.00pm via a Microsoft Teams event.  Joining instructions will be available on the CCG's website www.lincolnshireccg.nhs.uk.

(Cnty Cllr Bowkett left the meeting)

Works on the new roof will start in October.

Electrical repairs have been carried out on the heating socket fuse, the light at the front of the Village Hall and the light facing the beacon which was triggering the trip switch.

A dip in the main hall floor is being investigated by a builder as there may be a problem with a joist.

The cleaner was given a pay rise to £10 per hour which was backdated to May 2021.

Bookings have been taken for Friday night Bingo throughout November but sadly the Craft Fair has been cancelled for this year.

74.    PLAY AREA
Any plans for new equipment (e.g. Rota Web Climber) are on hold until the Spring when the weather will be suitable to installation.

The Annual Inspection report has various remedial works which are being reviewed by Cllr Twigg and Cllr Hill for action.

Following the annual cemetery inspection, it was agreed that plot markers need to be insisted upon within the Cemetery Regulations.  Action – Clerk to amend regulations for review at the next meeting.

The pea gravel has been taken to the Cemetery and a working party to meet on site to distribute across the plots.

Maintenance works are ongoing with site clearance now required.

The Clerk raised concerns over the trees and wall that border Cllr Brennan’s property.  Cllr Hill to provide the Clerk with contact details of a tree surgeon for quotation purposes.  Once the trees are sorted, the wall can be looked at.

Nothing to report.

The September issue of Clerks & Councils Direct was made available for those who wish to read it.

Following a rejection notice from ELDC, a discussion took place regarding the potential for an appeal.  Cllr Hill advised that the Charity had already contacted ELDC about the decision and with a vote of 9 to 1 in favour, it was approved that the Parish Council send a letter of appeal.  Action – Cllr Hill to draft an appeal and send to the Clerk for submission.

Cllr Wickham issued all present with a copy of correspondence from a resident highlighting the difference between various animal faeces.  (Cllr Twigg left the meeting).  With no guidance given by the resident or Cllr Wickham on what action the Parish Council were being requested to take, it was agreed that the information contained in the correspondence was obvious and already known and therefore no action was required.  (Cllr Twigg re-joined the meeting).

For information purposes, Cllr Holland advised the group that a football team is hoping to use the pitch as it’s home ground and cricket matches are intended for next year.

Tyres have been dumped in the layby on the A52 near the Anchor Inn sign.  Action – Clerk to report online.

Wildmore Crescent parking is a problem with vehicles always on the pavement.  Concerns were raised over whether some vehicles were road legal and if not, these would be reported to the Police.

The Clerk advised that she was taking a week off in October and would advise dates at the next meeting.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 13th October 2021.  There being no other business the Parish Council meeting closed at 9:19pm.