


Councillors:  M Hill (Chair)
                     K Smith (Vice-Chair)
                     P Holland
                     D Patrick
                     D Reeves
                     R Scott
                     A Shaw
                     A Simpson
                     W Twigg
                     R Wood

Attendees:    W Trigg – Clerk
                     Dist Cllr Dickinson (Part)
                     Cnty Cllr Bowkett (Part)
                     M Weedon – P3 Co-Ordinator

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Holt and Cllr Wickham.

None present.

Cllr Hill and Cllr Smith in respect of a complaint received via Cllr Wickham and Cllr Twigg in respect of an email received from Cllr Wickham.

Mill Lane/Eaudykes (P322 Northern) – Ground is good to walk on.
Eaudykes/Lenton’s Lane (P322 Southern) – Footpath is dry and good to walk on.
Sea Lane/A52 (P335) – Footpath is overgrown but dying off.
Sickling Lane/3 Way Post (P336) – Footpath is overgrown.
Chapel Lane/Eaudykes (P337) – Overgrown with nettles & hedge is growing over footpath.  Resident is aware.
Field Lane/School (P338) – Footbridge is rotten & a safety risk, same issues with tarmac.  LCC is aware.
Beacon/Church (P339) – Field has been harvested and good to walk on.

The annual canvass has started and people will receive the form via email or post.  Personal visits will be carried out to non-responding properties by the canvass team with the revised electoral register published on 1st December.

The Coastal Special Interest Group visited ELDC in September to enjoy a showcase of how the area is seeking to overcome some of the challenges faced by coastal communities.  The group, which brings together members from 57 local authorities across the country who specialise in coastal communities, aims to influence Government, national agencies and support local authorities to help deliver on a range of coastal issues.

ELDC is encouraging food businesses to try a market stall during this year’s British Food Fortnight 16th September to 1st October.  Food businesses that haven’t traded at a council-run market can have a free stall at Horncastle, Louth or Spilsby market during this period.  Interested parties should contact the Markets Manager on 01507 613532, email markets@e-lindsey.gov.uk or visit www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/britishfoodfortnight

ELDC has successfully applied for more than £600k to help tackle fuel poverty in some of our most rural and remote communities.  The Department for Energy Security & Net Zero is funding nine projects in the Midlands and has announced ELDC as a successful bidder to deliver this vital in-person support.  The funding for a two-year programme will see the recruitment of four home energy advice officers as well as working with PECT to provide an electric Energy Bus to bring information and support on energy efficiency improvements.

The Partnership Councils, working with other Councils facing the same issue, have collectively applied to the Local Government Association to form a Special Interest Group to work with Government to seek a new funding mechanism for Internal Drainage Boards.  Whilst the Government has supported the Council financially in 23/24 to meet these rising costs, it is yet to confirm a longer-term funding solution.

(Dist Cllr Dickinson left the meeting)

Cemetery Caretaker now has a new mower as approved in July.

The storms uprooted a small tree in the Play Area damaging the fence.  The tree has been removed and emergency repairs to the fence were approved.

A Friskney village sign was knocked by a Staples vehicle, they apologised and realigned the sign with no damage.

A quote from a new CCTV contractor has been requested for a new receiver as we cannot add any more cameras to the existing one.

Cllr Hill attended the Friskney Village Show open meeting and it is understood they now have a new Committee.

A complaint received via Cllr Wickham was read out which claimed Cllr Hill and Cllr Smith took wood from a felled tree in the Cemetery and it was suggested that this should have been offered to residents instead.  The tree had apparently been there for a while and was in fact not on Parish Council land but on the neighbouring property and it is thought the landowners may have arranged the removal.  Both Cllr Hill and Cllr Smith were annoyed with the accusation and requested further information be sought from Cllr Wickham as the remarks are slanderous.  Action – Clerk to contact Cllr Wickham.

Cllr Wickham also emailed regarding the no dogs sign erected by the Charity and the alleged verbal abuse received by a member of the public.   Cllr Hill confirmed the Clerk’s original response was correct and that any such matters should be directed to the Charity or the Police as it falls outside of the Parish Council’s responsibilities.

(Cnty Cllr Bowkett joined the meeting)

Sally Hall has been in contact regarding the Parish Magazine and whether it might be appropriate for media students from the local College to manage it.  It was considered too short term a solution and Cllr Shaw agreed to look into alternative options.  Cllr Hill suggested it should be published bi-monthly as a minimum.

LCC are highlighting the issues of high blood pressure and the importance of getting your blood pressure checked regularly, which lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack.  Many local pharmacies offer the service along with GPs annual health checks, or they can be purchased very cheaply so you can do one at home.

Lincolnshire businesses and young people will be further educated on the dangers of flavoured single use vapes.  This comes after a new report shows there's still an uptake in the number of young people vaping, despite long term risks not being known.  Government are considering the issue at present.

Winter Covid preparations are being made as Covid-19 continues to be a challenge.  The county continues to build vaccine immunity for vulnerable groups and the over 65s.  People will be contacted by their surgery if they are eligible for the vaccine.  Some surgeries are doing both flu and Covid at the same time.

LCC have confirmed that no local authority schools in Lincolnshire are affected by faulty concrete.

Resurfacing works on Church Road are taking place at night between 25th & 28th October.

The highways team are looking at Dickon Hill Road to see what can be done to put it into the programme for major improvements.  There will be temporary repairs done in October to try and improve the road in the meantime.

LCC recently agreed to give highways a further £10m pounds from underspends in other areas to be able to do further works on our rural roads, this makes a total of £17m on top of the original budget.

Cllr Patrick mentioned the drainage issue on Sea Lane where it appears the drain holes need relocating or new ones installed.  Cllr Bowkett to review the situation.

(Cnty Cllr Bowkett left the meeting)

The minutes from the July Parish Council Meeting and the August Planning Committee Meeting were presented for approval.  These were resolved to be a true and accurate record having been proposed by Cllr Twigg and seconded by Cllr Smith and Cllr Reeves and Cllr Simpson respectively.

The Clerk gave an update on the new, current and completed actions which are minuted below or within their respective topics.

PCM23073 - PLANNING (Appendix 2)
Camp Site, Manor Bungalow, Howgarth Lane – Change of use to 4no static caravans for seasonal holiday use.
Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm – Cable/connection routes confirmed.
Sewage Treatment Works, Burgh Road – Decision pending.
Fairfield, Small End – Decision pending.
Land off Low Road – 22no modular homes for over 55s & construction of vehicular access – Objections raised online.
Whitegates Poultry Farm, Low Road – Permission granted.
Everest Lodge, Holland Lane – Permission granted.

PCM23074 - FINANCE (Appendix 3)
All September payments were resolved for payment having been proposed by Cllr Simpson and seconded by Cllr Reeves.

Piper Windows reduced their invoice by £200 for the damage caused whilst fitting new fascias.

A quote is to be obtained for replacement flooring in the disabled toilet and also varnishing the doors and woodwork.

A new music system has been sourced and delivered.

18 tables have been sold for the Craft Fair with 4 remaining.

Various works are required following the latest RoSPA inspection.  Cllr Twigg requested help with some of the basic maintenance.

Cllr Twigg has a quote from Vere Bros for further tarmac repairs which is to be reviewed at the October meeting as further works may also be required following the RoSPA inspection.

There is a lot of ragwort in the Cemetery extension, Cllr Holland agreed to take a look with a view to spraying it.

Ashes have recently been laid on top of an existing plot in the Cemetery without any approval and also at the bewilderment of some of the family concerned.  This not only looks awful, but is also disrespectful and it was resolved to send a letter explaining the correct protocol to the family, having been proposed by Cllr Shaw and seconded by Cllr Patrick.  Action – Clerk to send letter.

An account has been opened with OnlineTrophies and the three plaques approved at the July meeting have been ordered.

Nothing to report.

A tree preservation order for the removal of a diseased ash tree at Ash Lea was discussed.  No objections were raised.

Drainage on the A52, specifically between Sea Lane and Wrights Lane, is an issue and it appears to be due to the verges being too high stopping the surface water running off the road.

Parking outside the school is dangerous.  Action – Clerk to ask school to highlight the issue to parents.

The updated Cemetery Fees with the inclusion of a £50 transfer of burial rights fee and the amendment of Scattering of Ashes to include ‘In Designated Area Only’ was presented for review.  With no issues raised, it was resolved to adopt the new version having been proposed by Cllr Reeves and seconded by Cllr Twigg.  Action – Clerk to update website & notice board.

The updated Standing Orders with the deletion of the PCSO Report from the standing Agenda items was presented for review.  With no issues raised, it was resolved to adopt the new version having been proposed by Cllr Patrick and seconded by Cllr Shaw.  Action – Clerk to update website.

None raised.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 18th October 2023.  There being no other business the Parish Council meeting closed at 9:00pm.